App Inventor projects

In this page you are able to know the procedure that I have followed in order to create some apps which I have made during the 3rd term, incluiding the desing and also its blocks. Not enought with that, you are also able to download the apps scanning the QR codes.


By using this app you can either insert your own mathematic expression or choose the expression you want to solve from a box with examples. Here you have the design and the blocks:

And here you can download it:


This app is just to introduce yourself a bit into App Inventor's world. Once you are running the app, if you shake the phone it will say you not to shake it, and if you press "speak", it will say its name. Here you have the design and the blocks:

And here you can download it:


This app allows you to calculate your BMI. This one was not created by me, I just downloaded from App Inventor. Although it was not made by me, it's interesting to use. Here you have the design and the blocks:

And here you can download it:

Talking Tom:

This app is supposed to repeat what you said after pressing the button. It also uses an accelerometer to talk to you when you shake the phone. Although it was not made by me, it's interesting to use. Here you have the design and the blocks:

And here you can download it: